
Commitlint (opens in a new tab) makes sure you are following the rules of conventional-commits (opens in a new tab)

Schema: <type>(<scope?>): <message>

In combination withhusky (opens in a new tab) we can use Git hooks like pre-commit and commit-msg to lint the commit and its message.

pre-commit hook

To ensure a consistent code style, the pre-commit hook runs ESLint (opens in a new tab). To get more details about the rules, visit Codestyle and Linting in our docs. It also runs Prettier (opens in a new tab) (in write-mode) and applies certain rules. At last, it sorts all package.json files via sort-package-json (opens in a new tab).

commit-msg hook

If the commit message doesn’t follow the convention of conventional-commits, commitlint will error out and husky gives you an idea of what is wrong.