

For maintaing the Essencium project it is important to understand how to manage dependencies and their updates. This will help ensure that the project remains stable & secure. Here are some specific things to keep in mind when managing dependencies in Essencium.

Installing & uninstalling Dependencies

When installing dependencies in Essencium, make sure to place them in the appropriate location based on the specific package structure of the project. See package responsibilities.

They can be installed via pnpm --filter @frachtwerk/essencium-<package> add <dependency>.

It is important to note that some dependencies may need to be set under peerDependencies in the lib package, whenever they are required for components within lib to work. This ensures that the consuming project can provide the required dependencies at runtime.

It is also important to use fixed version numbers for dependencies to ensure consistency across packages and avoid compatibility issues that can lead to breaking changes.

Uninstalling a dependency can be done via pnpm --filter @frachtwerk/essencium-<package> remove <dependency>.

Updating dependencies

Essencium uses Dependabot (opens in a new tab) to automate the process of updating dependencies. A pull request for each dependency update will be created automatically.

Dependencies should be updated regularly to keep Essencium up-to-date with the latest security patches, bug fixes, and performance improvements.

Be careful to evaluate the impact of each update before merging it into the project as it may introduce breaking changes. For this, the changelog of the dependency should be checked.